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Philosophies & Policies

It is Liberty Christian School’s desire to provide our students with quality academics with a rigor that allows our students time to pursue sports and personal interests without overloading them with time-consuming “busy work” or over-taxing homework. Our general rule of thumb is that daily homework assignments are approximately 20 minutes per subject for our 7th-12th grades with K-6 adjusting homework according to

age-appropriate work times.


We have decidedly chosen to not incorporate Common Core into our curriculum, believing traditional approaches to our studies to be the best. Yes, you read that correctly… No Common Core!


We provide support for your child academically through small classroom sizes and individualized attention.  We are not a special needs school, but we do have students with IEP’s and academic needs that we try to meet. We do not diagnose these individualized plans, but try to tailor educational needs presented by these plans to meet the students where they are, so that they can have academic success.


K-6 academics are based on Bob Jones University Curriculum with teachers adding their own teaching styles and resources, sometimes using web-based enhancements like Classroom Dojo, Spelling City, XtraMath, and Epic!. We also use Puppy Dog Math, Mad Dog Math, and Wordly Wise to enhance our curriculum. We have Elementary “Pull-Outs” as well to enhance our elementary experience:  Spanish, Library Time, Computer Skills, Music, Choir, Handbells, and PE.


Our 7th-12th academics are college-prep and based on curriculum standards set forth in the former California State Standards (pre-Common Core) combined with “a-g requirements” for the University of California system. Our curriculum publishers range from Bob Jones to Holt, Prentice Hall, and Houghton Mifflin. We have been WASC accredited since 1994, and our students have earned competitive scholarships, full-ride military appointments, and prestigious college acceptances nationwide.

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© Copyright 1970

by Liberty Christian School

Contact Us


Tel: 714-842-5992


7661 Warner Ave

HB, CA 92647

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